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Stay connected with what's on TV whether you're at home or on the go

Universal App Platform

TvTracker has been built from the ground up with UAP in mind, meaning the app will work across desktop, mobile, tablet and even your Xbox One.

Show Overview

Quickly get an overview of your shows, recently aired episodes and shows that are due to air in the future


Enhance TvTracker by connecting your Trakt TV account to sync with your collection and more!


Find you have too many shows to keep track of? Add custom tags to your shows to easily find what you're looking for.

Handy features

We've added a few handy features to TvTracker to make your life easier, so you can concentrate on what you love the most, watching TV shows

Sync between devices

The Windows UAP allows us to keep all your data synced across your devices, so you will always have up-to-date information no matter where you are.


TvTracker will send a notification to your device the second a show starts airing

Time adjustment

The world has different timezones and TvTracker accounts for that, adjusting episode air dates and times accordingly.

No spoilers

TvTracker can hide descriptions of upcoming episodes to prevent spoilers


TvTracker out in the wild

Show overview

Quickly get an overview of all your shows

Aired episodes

See all episodes that have aired for each TV show

Manage shows

Easily manage the shows that you want to keep track of


Browse fanart and posters for each of your shows

Pro Features

Support development of TvTracker by upgrading to TvTracker Pro

Upgrading to TvTracker Pro is a life-time purchase that will cost you £1.19 / €1.61 / $1.76 (or your currency's equivalent).

No adverts

Adverts will no longer show whilst using the app

Pin shows to your start menu

You can add your favourite shows to your start menu for quick access

Outlook Calendar Integration

Add upcoming episodes to your Outlook Calendar

Fanart selection

Choose from a wide range of fanart for each show to use as the show's tile image

Lockscreen images

TvTracker can update your lockscreen image to reflect which show is airing next