Changes to the OneDrive connection, which will require you to disconnect and reconnect your OneDrive account
Added the ability to search for shows on the main overview page
Fixed episodes not sorting properly when sorted by air date
Added the ability to send episode notifications 5, 10, 15, 30, or 60 minutes before the air date
Added the ability to set the live tile to show what's on in the next 24 hours (see settings)
Internal NuGet package updates to OneDrive and Notifications Extensions
Update 13 (8th October 2016)
Fixed an issue where you couldn't access the "OneDrive Connection" page at all, sorry.
TvTracker is now available on your Xbox One!
Update 12 (21st July 2016)
Added a "What to watch" section (dismissed shows can be unhidden via the show page actions menu)
Added the ability to backup and restore data from OneDrive incase of data loss
Fixed a crash when attempting to check-in to an episode
Fixed a crash when attempting to download lockscreen artwork if there was no internet connection available
Fixed the Manage shows page not showing "No shows are added" when you have no shows in your collection
Update 11 (11th June 2016)
Major internal rewrite to move TvTracker over to the MVVM (Model View, View Model) format.
Major improvements to UI, efficiency, speed and more.
Added the ability to add a transparent live tile.
I would tell you more but I've forgotten what exactly happened during the huge MVVM internal rewrite.
Update 10 (1st May 2016)
Added the ability to change the landing page on the mobile version of TvTracker
Added the ability to create custom tags (see hamburger menu) which can be assigned to tracked shows (and then shown on the main page if desired)
Fixed issues with saving your shows when returning to the main page after modifying what TvTracker was tracking.
Update 9 (25th April 2016)
Fixed an issue with creating toast notifications for episodes (mainly affected mobiles).
Tweaks to the way connecting your Trakt account works.
Update 8 (24th April 2016)
Cortana integration (UK/US only): "What's on this week using TvTracker", "What's on next week using TvTracker", "What am I tracking using TvTracker", "What's the next episode to air using TvTracker", "What's the next show to air using TvTracker"
Made the background task a lot more reliable (it should work 100% of the time now)
Fix for the Trakt integration not making sure an access token was available before attempting to use certain Trakt API calls.
Potential fix for a crash that was occuring when checking the user was pro.
Update 7 (19th January 2016)
Fixed the calendar integration not showing the confirm/cancel dialog on mobile devices.
Added (hopefully) better handling of errors coming from The TVDB being unavailable/wrong.
Fixed an issue where some shows would not update due to invalid XML coming from The TVDB.
Update 6 (27th December 2015)
Added the ability for pro users to add episodes to their Outlook calendar.
Fixed a potential crash caused by shows that were using the old date/time format for users who weren't on the UTC timezone.
Added the ability to filter your shows by All Shows / Continuing Shows / Ended Shows / Shows with unwatched episodes (can be found in the settings).
Improved the background updating task.
Updated the Pro Upgrade page to include the price of the upgrade.
Update 5 (21st December 2015)
Fixed episodes not showing "Unknown air date" on the desktop show page.
Fixed being able to interact with the main page whilst it was still loading in.
Fixed the "Fetching Trakt collection..." message not appearing when managing shows.
Fixed shows not being properly updated when adding them in the "Manage shows" page.
Fixed the network offsets being constantly added instead of updated.
Added the ability to sort shows by name (A - Z / Z - A) and status (continuing -> ended)
Update 4 (19th December 2015)
The desktop show page has had an overhaul on the desktop version of the app to look more pleasing on the eye.
Pro users now have the ability to set the artwork size to use when the lockscreen is updated (Fanart is recommended for desktop devices and poster for mobile devices).
Fixed a potential crash when retrieving information from The TVDB.
Fixed a crash when storing shows with episodes that had an unknown air date for users who were in a timezone that was ahead (and possibly behind) the UTC timezone.
Fixed being able to interact with the main page whilst it was still loading in.
Fixed show descriptions being hidden on show pages when "Hide episode descriptions" was turned on
Update 3 - Hotfix #1 (13th December 2015)
The live tile, lockscreen artwork and episode notifications will be updated in the background now allowing you to see any episodes that are due to air before you next open the app.
Clicking on the Trakt recommended/trending shows will now take you to a TvTracker show page so you can see more information about it.
Fixed a crash that could occur when updating a show if no artwork was available.
Fixed the side-bar not showing after completing initial setup.
Fixed not being able to use the back button if you launch the app from a pinned show tile.
Devices with smaller screens will now use the show's poster for the background art on show pages instead of the fanart.
Added a minimum height to Trakt shows so they don't look dodgy whilst the image is still loading in.
Fixed the success message appearing when pinning a show if the user denied the request to pin the tile.
Update 2 (6th December 2015)
Potential fix for the app crashing when going to the home page.
Added the ability to sort your shows via next air date, number of episodes to watch or the year they first aired.
Update 1 (27th November 2015)
Fixed "TvTracker" showing in the top bar if you're not a pro user.
Fixed an issue where a show's upcoming episode date wasn't properly updated if the upcoming episode lost its air date.
Fixed not being able to connect your Trakt account (That was down to something retarded that I did and not the device you were on, all good now.)